Faculty Roundup: The latest highlights from UCI Law’s faculty

July 2024


Sameer Ashar 

Professor Sameer Ashar delivered a talk on “Migrant Labor Organizing in Racial Capitalist Regimes in California” at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) conference on June 29 at the University of Limerick. 

Swethaa Ballakrishnen 

Professor Swethaa Ballakrishnen’s article, “Categorical Closure: Transitivity and Identities in Longitudinal Networks” (co-authored with Chen-Shuo Hong, Anthony Paik, Carole Silver, and Steven Boutcher), has been published in Social Networks (Volume 79, October 2024, Pages 76-92). 

Prof. Ballakrishnen’s recent engagements include: Presenter, Pride Week Talk based on “Accidental Feminism: Gender Parity and Selective Mobility Among India’s Professional Elite” (Princeton University Press 2021), Trinity College Dublin School of Law (June 26); Presenter on Blasé discrimination and interactional inequalities and panel moderator, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) conference at the University of Limerick (June 27); Presenter, “Sort Of: Law, Love, and Queer Sociality in Mainstream South Asian Representations,” Dundee Law School (July 5); Presenter, “Law's Filmy Imaginations about the South Asian History of Queerness,” University of Edinburgh Law School (July 8). In addition, Prof. Ballakrishnen completed a Nominated Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities from June 29-July 10 in Edinburgh. Their research project focused on law’s relationship to amity and asexuality using the lens of South Asian popular media. 

On July 17-18, Prof. Ballakrishnen will participate in three panels at the International Legal Ethics Conference in Amsterdam and attend board meetings at the conference as part of the advisory board for the International Association of Legal Ethics. 

Alejandro Camacho  

Professor Alejandro Camachoparticipated in a roundtable at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School about his book, “Reorganizing Government: A Functional and Dimensional Framework” (co-authored with Robert Glicksman) (NYU Press 2019) as part of “Regulatory Governance in a Changing World,” the inaugural conference of the International Association on Regulation & Governance, hosted by the Penn Program on Regulation from June 17-18. On June 17, seven panelists participated in the book roundtable titled, “’Reorganizing Government’: Structural Choices in Institutional Governance Design,” to discuss the implications of Prof. Camacho’s book. 

Robert S. Chang 

Professor Robert S. Chang and the Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality were honored with the Friend of the Legal Profession Award at the King County Bar Association’s Annual Awards Celebration on June 27 in Seattle, Wash. Prof. Chang will be recognized this fall by the Washington State Bar Association’s Justice Charles Z. Smith Excellence in Diversity APEX Award.   

Kevin Haeberle 

Professor Kevin Haeberle delivered a presentation on his essay, “Reforming Securities Litigation and Enforcement for ESG Disclosure,” on June 24 at the 2024 National Business Law Scholars Conference hosted by UC Davis School of Law.  

Elizabeth Loftus 

Professor Elizabeth Loftus will be hosted on July 21 by Woxsen University in Hyderabad, India for a talk on her research in the field of human memory, and particularly her research on memory malleability. 

Susan McMahon 

Professor Susan McMahon, who joined UC Irvine School of Law’s faculty on July 1, 2024, as a Professor of Lawyering Skills, is the recipient of the Legal Writing Institute’s 2024 Teresa Godwin Phelps Award for Scholarship in Legal Communication for her article, “What We Teach When We Teach Legal Analysis,” 107 Minn. L. Rev. 2511 (2023). The Selection Committee commended Prof. McMahon’s article not only for introducing the legal writing discipline to a broad range of readers but also for challenging legal writing professors to “disrupt students’ sense that law is neutral and objective.” The Committee also noted that Prof. McMahon’s article goes beyond pointing out a problem — it also provides examples of how to use the traditional tools of legal reasoning to achieve change. 

Jane Stoever 

Professor Jane K. Stoever, who directs UC Irvine School of Law’s Domestic Violence Clinic, appeared before the California Senate to testify about SB 1394 on behalf of clinic clients. SB 1394 is a bill the clinic proposed and is co-sponsoring with EndTAB (End Technology Enabled Abuse) to legally require vehicle manufacturers to rapidly terminate an abusive partner’s remote access to a vehicle.