Immigrant Rights Clinic
The UCI Immigrant Rights Clinic (IRC) launched in 2011 as part of UCI Law’s visionary experiential learning program. Clinic students, working under close faculty supervision, provide direct representation to immigrants on matters ranging from detention and deportation defense to workplace exploitation and protection of civil and constitutional rights of immigrants. The clinic also provides legal support to grassroots organizations working on critical issues affecting low-income immigrants.

The IRC strives for and models high-quality, holistic, and transformative lawyering. It acts in accordance with the foundational insight that the community is best served when lawyers help empower marginalized individuals and groups to advocate for themselves.
Clinic students litigate on behalf of clients in federal and state courts and before administrative agencies. They develop traditional lawyering skills, such as client interviewing and counseling, fact investigation, legal drafting and trial presentation. In addition, modern legal practice demands problem-solving methods beyond those skills. Immigrant communities targeted by aggressive law enforcement initiatives have been sites of innovative social and political organizing. The clinic supports that work by partnering with organizations to conduct community education and advance policy campaigns. Through rigorous, structured reflection, students distill lessons about legal practice from their fieldwork.
In past years, complex cases undertaken by the clinic have included the representation of youth referred to ICE by juvenile probation officials, community members alleged to have gang ties, deported veterans seeking to return to the United States, and LGBT immigrants seeking asylum and other forms of protection. Other representative projects have included:
- Litigating a federal suit in Maricopa County, Arizona, with Puente Arizona to challenge the criminalization of immigrant workers;
- Working with a coalition in Santa Ana, California to pass a bold and far-reaching sanctuary ordinance;
- Representation of immigrant detainees in habeas actions seeking their release during the height of COVID-19;
- Securing damages for immigrants unlawfully detained by local law enforcement officials in violation of state law; and
- Partnering with national groups on Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation and advocacy.
In the Immigrant Rights Clinic, suddenly all the law I had been learning had a new meaning and a new purpose: helping our client. It completely changed the way I interpreted the rules and principles I was learning; instead of asking only, ‘What do the rules mean?’ I had to ask myself, ‘What do they mean for our client?’ The law was no longer an intellectual exercise but a matter of life and death. My clinic client has remained with me as a constant reminder of the law’s potential for justice and injustice for each individual, and is a constant reminder of why I became a lawyer.
- Alisa Hartz ’12, Attorney, Public Counsel, Los Angeles
Highlighted Project: Detainee Assistance and Bond Representation Project
In recent decades, the number of immigrants detained by federal authorities has grown at alarming rates. Although this detention is civil in nature, it is experienced by many immigrants as punitive, and conditions can be as harsh as those in the criminal system. Isolated from their families and communities, detained immigrants face profound pressure to forfeit claims to remain in the United States.
Since 2014, clinic students have represented and assisted detained immigrants in their efforts to obtain freedom from detention. For many years, students met with clients at the Adelanto Detention Center in San Bernardino County or at one of several facilities in Orange County. We recently started a new collaboration with the California Coalition for Immigrant Justice (CCIJ) to assist clients at the Golden State Annex in Kern County.
Students investigate facts, formulate a theory of the case, prepare evidence and serve as primary representatives at detainees’ bond hearings. The clinic’s bond clients have included some of the most vulnerable in the immigration system—those who survived abuse, fled persecution, struggled with mental illness, were recovering from drug or alcohol addiction, or faced stigma and discrimination as a result of their criminal records. Bond is often a turning point in their cases. Clients have gone on to win important relief ranging from the acquisition or restoration of status to termination of their proceedings.
In total, students have assisted dozens of detainees, many of whom were subject to prolonged detention. The bond project is highly regarded and has become a model for other law clinics and pro bono programs.
We need lawyers who will strengthen the capacity of immigrant communities to solve the problems that they face. I appreciate that the Immigrant Rights Clinic has been an important partner in our work, both in California and in others parts of the country. I also appreciate that the Clinic trains students to be client-centered, adaptable, resourceful and strategic.
— Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director, National Day Laborer Organizing Network
Core Competencies
All students handle at least one litigation case and one non-litigation advocacy project. Students work in teams of two or three on all clinic projects. With the permission of the presiding judicial or administrative officer, students serve as the primary legal representative for their clients in all hearings before state and federal courts and agencies.
Foundational Lawyering Skills: Students interview clients, undertake fact investigations, disentangle procedural rules, draft complaints and legal briefs, conduct direct and cross-examinations, and negotiate with opposing parties. Through both intense individual immersion and collaborative learning across clinic teams, students are assured of exposure to a range of skills and knowledge bases.
Participatory Litigation: IRC contextualizes traditional legal skills in a participatory framework and students work with clients as collaboratively as possible.
Policy Advocacy: Modern legal practice requires basic policy advocacy skills, such as knowledge of legislative drafting, framing techniques, grassroots lobbying methodologies, and media advocacy, to complement litigation expertise.
Know Your Rights and Community Education: Students engage in know-your-rights and community education programs, especially those that can be sustained by our community-based collaborators.
Lawyers and Client Mobilization: Students work with community-based organizers because lawyering alone does not advance justice. Through these collaborations, students explore the strategic and ethical challenges posed by a mode of practice that aims to mobilize clients, in addition to asserting legal rights and defenses on their behalf.
Strategic Judgment: As lead counsel on multi-modal advocacy projects, students participate and contribute to the development of social and economic justice campaigns on behalf of individuals and organizations.
Recent Work
The Immigrant Rights Clinic (IRC) provides holistic representation to immigrants facing deportation and partners with immigrant advocacy groups on critical issues affecting low-income immigrants in California and beyond. Last year, IRC advocated for detained and formerly detained individuals who faced immigration consequences as a result of involvement with the criminal legal system. IRC students also collaborated with our in-house social work team to assist clients with non-legal needs, such as getting access to housing and mental health care. We won post-conviction relief for several clients and secured the release of one client, a survivor of abuse who had lived in the U.S. since she was four years old, who was transferred to ICE detention directly from prison and detained in Eloy, Arizona.
Additionally, IRC students continued to litigate Kidd v. Mayorkas, a case challenging ICE practices when conducting warrantless arrests at community members’ homes in Southern California. In particular, plaintiffs hope to stop ICE officers’ tactic of posing as police or probation officers to gain access to community members. In February 2023, a federal judge granted the plaintiffs’ motion for class certification. IRC was one of several co-counsel who received recognition from the ACLU for their work on the case.
IRC students led non-litigation projects as well. They drafted a report with Black Alliance for Just Immigration and the American Immigration Council analyzing records obtained via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) about Border Patrol’s involvement in racial justice protests around the country in the summer of 2020; helped to successfully get the City of Santa Ana to adopt a resolution putting the issue of noncitizen voting on the ballot for November 2024; worked on community empowerment projects with the Orange County Rapid Response Network (OCRRN); and they continue to collaborate with national groups to examine the role and effects of ICE surveillance.
- Complaint for Injunctive Relief: Harbor Institute For Immigrant and Economic Justice; Immigrant Legal Resource Center vs. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
- Take Back Tech: How to Expose and Fight Surveillance Tech in Your City (PDF)
- Report Regarding Compliance with Domestic and International Labor Standards at The Westin Long Beach Hotel (PDF)
- Report on working conditions for employees of Station Casinos LLC: Banking on Unsafe Working Conditions (PDF)
- Policy report on gang databases and immigration: Mislabeled: Allegations of Gang Membership and Their Immigration Consequences (PDF)
- Policy report on juvenile referrals to ICE: Second Chances for All: Why Orange County Probation Should Stop Choosing Deportation Over Rehabilitation for Immigrant Youth (PDF)
Read our press advisory > - White paper on Secure Communities: MISPLACED PRIORITIES: The Failure of Secure Communities in Los Angeles County (PDF)
In the News
- UC Irvine Law Clinics Launch Community Workshop Series at El Centro Cultural de México in Santa Ana
- ABC7: OC Advocates Prepare Immigrant Communities for Trump’s New Policies
Clinical Professor Annie Lai is quoted: “Those attempts to cut off the flow of certain federal grants were also challenged in court, and many of them, those actions, were struck down.” - Daily Pilot: Huntington Beach sues state of California over sanctuary law*
Professor Annie Lai, director of UC Irvine Law’s Immigrant Rights Clinic, was quoted in the Daily Pilot discussing Huntington Beach’s recent lawsuit against California’s sanctuary state law. - Immigrant Rights Clinic: Advocacy Groups File Suit Seeking Transparency on ICE Enforcement Practices
- Daily Journal: ICE may have tough time getting court ok for ‘knock and talk’*
Prof. Annie Lai, a director of the Immigrant Rights Clinic which represented the plaintiffs in the case, commented on ICE’s ability to continue “knock and talk” operations by obtaining judicial warrants. - Los Angeles Times: Federal judge orders ICE to end ‘knock and talk’ arrests of immigrants in Southern California
The UC Irvine School of Law Immigrant Rights Clinic, the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, and the law firm Munger, Tolles & Olson represented the plaintiffs. - Court Rules Against Ice “Knock and Arrests”
- The Intercept: Uninvited and Unaccountable: How CPB Policed George Floyd Protests
Records released by the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, the American Immigration Council, and UCI Law’s Immigrant Rights Clinic detail CBP’s involvement in policing the 2020 racial justice protests. - American Immigration Council: Beyond the Border: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Presence at Racial Justice Protests in Summer of 2020American Immigration Council:
Records released by UCI Law Immigrant Rights Clinic and American Immigrational Council reveal CBP deployed officers at protests after George Floyd’s death on May 25. - UCI Law Immigrant Rights Clinic and Professor Annie Lai Honored by ACLU SoCal
- Daily Kos: Litigation challenging ICE’s ‘deceptive’ police impersonation tactic granted class action status
UCI Law’s Immigration Rights Clinic litigation case, with the ACLU of Southern California and the law firm Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP, challenging ICE’s deceptive impersonation tactics was highlighted by Daily Kos
- ACLU: ACLU Advocates for Justice Event to Honor UC Irvine School of Law Immigrant Rights Clinic and Co-Director Annie Lai, Hosted by Sister Unity
- ACLU: ACLU to honor activists and legal champions, including UC Irvine School of Law Immigrant Rights Clinic and it's Co-Director Annie Lai, at 2023 Advocates for Justice Event
- Media Release from Immigrant Rights Clinic: Orange County Sheriff's Department to Pay Garden Grove Resident and Father in Settlement Deal
- ABC7: Prof. Ramirez Almadani quoted on UCI Law Immigrant Rights Clinic case involving Garden Grove resident held by OCSD for ICE
- Press-Enterprise: Prof. Ramirez Almadani quoted on Immigrant Rights Clinic’s suit on behalf of Garden Grove resident held by OC Sheriff’s Department for ICE detention
- ACLU SoCal: UCI Law Immigrant Rights Clinic joins ACLU SoCal and Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP to file class action lawsuit to prevent ICE from impersonating police
- UCI Law Immigrant Rights Clinic Secures Release of Individuals in Immigration Detention Facing COVID-19 Risk – UCI Law
- UCI Law Immigrant Rights Clinic represents DACA recipient turned over to immigration officials by Laguna Beach – Los Angeles Times
- UCI Law Immigrant Rights Clinic client receives $19K settlement with Laguna Beach over immigration hold – ABC7
- UCI Law Immigrant Rights Clinic to be honored by Impact Fund – UCI Law
- Students, faculty and alumni of UCI Law’s Immigrant Rights Clinic discuss their work in Tijuana to help asylum-seekers – PRI
- UCI Law Immigrant Rights Clinic issues report outlining O.C. Sheriff, police agencies work with ICE – Orange County Register
- UCI Law Immigrant Rights Clinic assists deported veteran return to U.S. – Orange County Register
- UCI Law Immigrant Rights Clinic, Prof. Lai and students help U.S. Army veteran return home to California after deportation – Los Angeles Times
- UCI Law Immigrant Rights Clinic victorious in fighting OC District Attorney's proposed gang injunctions – Urban Peace Institute
- Immigrant Rights Clinic's amicus brief featured Oct. 2017 – Daily Journal
- Immigrant Rights Clinic files amicus brief to 9th Cir. urging judges to considerd ability to pay bond, flight risk – Law 360
- Prof. Lai, students in Immigrant Rights Clinic provide comment at Santa Ana City Council meeting on representing undocumented immigrants – Voice of OC
- Clinic's Amicus Brief Aids in 9th Circuit's Ruling – UCI Law
- UCI Law students helped a group of Fontana warehouse workers secure $80,000 in back wages – KPCC
- Immigrant Rights Clinic recognized as Community Warrior Honorees at Resilience OC - Twitter
- Immigrant Rights Clinic Obtains Asylum for Client – UCI Law
- Prof. Lai quoted: Ariz. ruling reaffirms notion that officials may not appropriate federal-employment verification system to target undocumented workers – USA Today
- Immigrant Workers Take Sheriff Joe Arpaio and County’s Top Prosecutor To Court (PDF) – UCI Law, NDLON, ACLU joint press advisory
- Immigrant Rights Clinic worked on AB2298, bill signed by Gov. Brown to overhaul CA gang database – UCI Law News
- UCI Law Clinic Issues Report on Unlawful Labor and Employment Practices by The Westin Long Beach Hotel – Press Release
- Prof. Ashar quoted re: abusive working conditions at Station Casinos in Las Vegas – Public News Service
- UCI Law students’ work with Legal Aid Society-Employment Law Center worker’s clinic highlighted – Daily Journal
- Prof. Lai is quoted re: 9th circuit ruling on bond hearings for detained immigrants – Los Angeles Times
- Immigrant Rights Clinic report, Profs. Ashar and Lai quoted in part 2 of series on undocumented teens – Voice of OC
- Prof. Ashar quoted re: problem of “employee” vs. “independent contractor” misclassification of workers – Al Jazeera America
- Immigrant Rights Clinic plays key role in Arpaio case, Prof. Lai quoted – The Daily Pilot/ Los Angeles Times
- Immigrant Rights Clinic’s Amelia Alvarez, Fawn Bekam, and Prof. Ashar quoted re: impact of gang injunctions on undocumented immigrants – Al Jazeera America
- Immigrant Rights Clinic on legal team for workers seeking to stop Arpaio workplace raids – AZ Central
- Alumna Leah Gasser-Ordaz (’14) quoted in news coverage of lawsuit against AZ Sheriff Arpaio – BuzzFeed
- Immigrant Rights Clinic report helps end ICE holds on juveniles – Orange County Register
- Immigrant Rights Clinic partnership with RAIZ group noted – Orange County Register
- IRC’s Prof. Lai, Kelsey Galanter (’15) and James Buatti (’14) score win in teen’s residency case – San Francisco Chronicle
- Immigrant Rights Clinic’s Jessica Karp comments on federal immigration policy – The Washington Post
- Immigrant Rights Clinic 3L James Buatti explains impact of juvenile deportations – Voice of OC
- Coverage of Immigrant Rights Clinic’s report on juvenile deportation – Los Angeles Times
- Immigrant Rights Clinic report: O.C. leads state in child deportations (PDF) – Orange County Register
- Immigrant Rights Clinic: Probation officials referring minors to federal authorities – AP/SF Chronicle
- UCI’s Immigrant Rights Clinic sues over deportation program – Inter Press Service
- Letter to Gov. Jerry Brown: Dean Chemerinsky cites clinic’s work in urging Governor to sign AB 108
- Exploring the human toll of a misguided policy: Immigration Rights Clinic students say Secure Communities program could lead to racial profiling – UC Irvine feature