Our Faculty

UC Irvine Law faculty are some of the nation’s leading scholars and teachers, representing a broad range of expertise, including antitrust; biotechnology; business law; civil procedure; civil rights; constitutional law; consumer law; criminal law; diversity, education and law; equality and discrimination; election law; environmental law; gender and law; government regulation and policy; health law; immigration law; intellectual property and cyberlaw; international dispute resolution; international law and securities; labor and employment law; law and pop culture; law and psychology; law and social sciences; legal ethics and professional responsibility; tax law; and urban planning. A 2021 study of Scholarly Impact of Law School Faculties ranks UC Irvine Law No. 14 in the U.S.

Full-Time Faculty

  • Prof. Archer portrait

    Cindy Thomas Archer

    Associate Dean for Equity
    Professor of Lawyering Skills

    Expertise: Legal Analysis and Communication; Civil Litigation Practice; Lawyer-Client Relationship; Professional Responsibility; Client Interviewing and Counseling Skills; Cultural Humility in Client Representation; Inclusive Excellence in Legal Education

  • Prof. Ashar portait

    Sameer Ashar

    Clinical Professor of Law

    Expertise: Clinical Legal Education; Law and Social Movements; Labor Law; Immigration Law; Legal Profession

  • Prof. Ballakrishnen portrait

    Swethaa Ballakrishnen

    Professor of Law 
    Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development
    Co-Director, Center for Empirical Research on the Legal Profession

    sballakrishnen@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-7979

    Expertise: Legal Profession, Gender, Critical Feminist and Queer Theory, Global Souths, India

  • Prof. Baradaran portrait

    Mehrsa Baradaran

    Professor of Law

    Expertise: Banking Law; Contracts; Property; Housing; Inequality

  • Mario Barnes

    Chancellor's Professor of Law

    Expertise: Criminal Law; Constitutional Law; National Security Law; Race and the Law

  • Prof. Blank portrait

    Joshua D. Blank

    Professor of Law
    Director of the UCI Law in NYC Program
    jblank@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4807

    Expertise: Tax Administration and Compliance; Taxation of Business Entities; Taxpayer Privacy and Tax Transparency

  • Courtney Cahill portrait

    Courtney Cahill

    Chancellor's Professor of Law

    Expertise: Constitutional law, anti-discrimination law, reproductive rights, sex equality, LGBTQ equality

  • Prof. Camacho portrait

    Alejandro Camacho

    Chancellor's Professor of Law
    UCI Law Center for Land, Environment, and Natural Resources
    acamacho@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4160

    Expertise: Environmental and Natural Resources Law; Land Use Regulation; Government Regulation and Policy


  • Robert S. Chang

    Robert S. Chang

    Professor of Law
    Executive Director of the UC Irvine School of Law Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality

  • Prof. Cohen portrait

    Linda Cohen

    Professor of Economics and Law
    linda.cohen@uci.edu / (949) 824-5189

    Expertise: Political Economy; Government Regulation and Policy; Economics and Law

  • Adam Cowing portrait

    Adam Cowing

    Assistant Clinical Professor of Law
    acowing@law.uci.edu/ (949) 824-3897

    Expertise: Community and Economic Development, Affordable Housing Law and Policy

  • Prof. Croskery-Roberts portrait

    Rachel Croskery-Roberts

    Associate Dean for Lawyering Skills
    Professor of Lawyering Skills
    rcroskery@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9267

    Expertise: Lawyering Skills; Individual Employment Law; Employment Discrimination Law; Persuasion/Rhetoric; Business Drafting

  • Prof. DiMento portrait

    Joe DiMento

    Distinguished Professor of Law
    jdimento@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3034

    Expertise: Environmental Law; International Public Law; Urban Planning

  • Veena Dubal portrait

    Veena Dubal

    Professor of Law
    vdubal@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4794

    Expertise: Critical Race Theory, Employment and Labor Law

  • Prof. Fleischer portrait

    Victor Fleischer

    Professor of Law

    Expertise: Partnership Tax; Federal Taxation; Tax; Private Equity Law; Tax Policy; Corporate Finance; Business and Corporate Law; Corporate Tax; Financial Market Regulation

  • Prof. Garth portrait

    Bryant Garth

    Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus 
    Co-Director, Center for Empirical Research on the Legal Profession

    Expertise: Globalization; Legal Profession

  • Chancellor Gillman portrait

    Howard Gillman

    UCI Chancellor
    Professor of Law, Political Science and Criminology, Law & Society
    chancellor@uci.edu / (949) 824-5011

    Expertise: American Constitutionalism; Judicial Politics

  • Andrew Gold portrait

    Andrew Gold

    Professor of Law and Philosophy 

    Expertise: Private Law Theory; Fiduciary Law; Law of Corporations

  • Prof. Gustafson portrait

    Kaaryn Gustafson

    Professor of Law
    Director, Center on Law, Equality and Race (CLEaR)
    kgustafson@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4029

    Expertise:  Law and Inequality; Empirical Research; Critical Race Theory

  • Kevin Haeberle portrait

    Kevin Haeberle

    Professor of Law
    khaeberle@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-2793

    Expertise: Corporate law and securities law (including focuses on insider-trading law as well as financial-instrument trading markets, broker-dealers, exchanges, investment companies, and ETFs and their regulation)

  • Prof. Hempel portrait

    Carrie Hempel

    Distinguished Clinical Professor of Law
    Co-Director, Community and Economic Development Clinic
    chempel@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3575

    Expertise: Clinical Education; Community & Economic Development; Post-Conviction Remedies

  • Prof. Jiménez portrait

    Dalié Jiménez

    Professor of Law
    Director, Student Loan Law Initiative
    djimenez@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-0066

    Expertise: Bankruptcy and Debtor-Creditor Law; Credit and Debt Collection Markets; Credit Reporting; Student Loans; Access to Civil Justice; Randomized Control Trials in Law

  • Prof. Kaye portrait

    David Kaye

    Clinical Professor of Law
    Director, International Justice Clinic
    dkaye@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-2427

    Expertise: Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law; Public International Law; International Criminal Justice; and Freedom of Expression

  • Prof. Kim portrait

    Sung Eun (Summer) Kim

    Professor of Law
    Director, Korea Law Center
    skim@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4946

    Expertise: Private Equity; Corporate Law; Corporate Finance; Financial Regulation; Contracts

  • Prof. Lai portrait

    Annie Lai

    Co-Associate Dean for Experiential Education
    Clinical Professor of Law
    Director, Immigrant Rights Clinic
    alai@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9894

    Expertise: Immigration Law; Civil Rights; Workers’ Rights; Clinical Legal Education

  • Prof. Dana Lee portrait

    Dana Lee

    Assistant Professor of Law and Mohannad and Rana Malas Scholar in Islamic Legal Studies
    dlee@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3892

    Expertise: Islamic Law; Intellectual and Social History of the Islamic World; Jurisprudence; Comparative Law; Property

  • Prof. Lee portrait

    Stephen Lee

    Professor of Law
    slee@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3731

    Expertise: Administrative Law; Immigration Law

  • Prof. Lerner portrait

    Jack Lerner

    Clinical Professor of Law
    Director, Intellectual Property, Arts and Technology Clinic
    jlerner@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-7684

    Expertise: Intellectual Property; Technology

  • Prof. Leslie portrait

    Christopher Leslie

    Chancellor's Professor of Law
    Director, Competition, Antitrust Law, and Innovation Forum (CALIF)
    cleslie@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-5556

    Expertise: Antitrust; Intellectual Property; Class Action Settlements; Sexual Orientation and the Law

  • Prof. Li portrait

    Ji Li

    John & Marilyn Long Professor of US-China Business and Law
    jli@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-2750

    Expertise: Chinese Law and Politics; International Business Transactions; Comparative Law; Contracts; Empirical Legal Studies

  • Prof. Loftus portrait

    Elizabeth Loftus

    Distinguished Professor of Psychological Science; Criminology, Law & Society; Cognitive Science; and Law
    eloftus@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3285

    Expertise: Psychology and Law; Human Memory

  • Prof. Marian portrait

    Omri Marian

    Professor of Law
    omarian@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-6493

    Expertise: International Taxation; Comparative Taxation; Taxation of Financial Instruments

  • Susan McMahon portrait

    Susan McMahon

    Professor of Lawyering Skills

    Expertise: Legal Analysis and Communication; Legal Education; Criminal Law; Mental Health

  • Prof. Menkel-Meadow portrait

    Carrie Menkel-Meadow

    Distinguished and Chancellor's Professor of Law
    cmeadow@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-1987

    Expertise: International and Comparative Law; Dispute Resolution; Legal Profession and Legal Ethics; Civil Procedure; Law and Society; Legal Education; Feminist Legal Theory and Law; Literature and Popular Culture

  • Prof. Mikkor portrait

    Alison Mikkor

    Professor of Lawyering Skills
    amikkor@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-8000

    Expertise: Legal Analysis and Communication; Civil Litigation Practice; Appellate Practice; Lawyer-Client Relationship; Client Interviewing and Counseling Skills; Professional Responsibility; Inclusive Excellence in Legal Education

  • Prof. Moran portrait

    Rachel Moran

    Distinguished and Chancellor’s Professor of Law Emeritus
    rmoran@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9949

    Expertise: Civil Rights; Education Law and Policy; Higher Education and Affirmative Action; Latino-Related Law and Policy; Legal Education; Torts

  • Dean Austen Parrish

    Austen Parrish

    Dean and Chancellor's Professor of Law
    aparrish@law.uci.edu(949) 824-7722

    Expertise: Transnational Law and Litigation, Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Federal Courts

  • Prof. Porter portrait

    Katherine Porter

    Professor of Law (On Leave)

    Expertise: Bankruptcy; Commercial Law; Consumer Law

  • Prof. Reese portrait

    Tony Reese

    Chancellor's Professor of Law
    treese@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4745

    Expertise: Copyright Law; Trademark Law

  • L. Song Richardson portrait

    L. Song Richardson

    Chancellor’s Professor of Law

    Expertise: Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure; Law and Social Science; Race and the Law; Leadership; Policing; Implicit Racial and Gender Bias

  • Prof. Robinson-Dorn portrait

    Michael Robinson-Dorn

    Co-Associate Dean for Experiential Education
    Clinical Professor of Law
    Director, Environmental Law Clinic
    mrobinsondorn@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-1043

    Expertise: Advice and Counseling; Litigation; Administrative and Policy Advocacy; Administrative Law; Natural Resources Law; Environmental Law

  • Prof. Robinson-Dorn portrait

    Trilby Robinson-Dorn

    Vice Dean
    Professor of Lawyering Skills
    trobinsondorn@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9638

    Expertise: Business Transactions; Contract Drafting; Employment Discrimination; Employment Law; Lawyering Skills; Client Counseling; Trial Advocacy

  • Prof. Ross portrait

    Ezra Ross

    Professor of Lawyering Skills
    eross@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9743

    Expertise: Lawyering Skills; Legal Profession

  • Prof. Simons portrait

    Kenneth W. Simons

    Chancellor's Professor of Law
    Co-Director, Center for Legal Philosophy
    ksimons@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3863

    Expertise: Torts; Criminal Law; Moral and Political Philosophy

  • Prof. Solomon portrait

    Robert Solomon

    Distinguished Clinical Professor of Law
    Co-Director, Community and Economic Development Clinic
    Co-Chair, UCI Center for the Study of Cannabis
    rsolomon@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9719

    Expertise: Community & Economic Development; Housing; Evidence; Trial Advocacy

  • Prof. Song portrait

    Ji Seon Song

    Assistant Professor of Law

    Expertise: Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure; Policing, Race and the Law; Juvenile Law

  • Prof. Southworth portrait

    Ann Southworth

    Professor of Law
    Co-Director, Center for Empirical Research on the Legal Profession
    asouthworth@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-2917

    Expertise: Legal Profession; Professional Responsibility; Cause Lawyers

  • Prof. Stoever portrait

    Jane Stoever

    Clinical Professor of Law
    Director, Domestic Violence Clinic
    Director, Initiative to End Family Violence
    jstoever@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3418

    Expertise: Clinical Legal Education; Domestic Violence Law; Family Law

  • Prof. Talesh portrait

    Shauhin Talesh

    Professor of Law
    Director, Law and Graduate Studies Program
    stalesh@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9214

    Expertise: Civil Procedure; Consumer Law; Insurance; Organizations; Empirical Legal Studies; Law and Society; Law and Inequality; Law and Social Change

  • Prof. Taylor Poppe portrait

    Emily Taylor Poppe

    Professor of Law
    Faculty Director, UCI Law Civil Justice Research Initiative
    etaylorpoppe@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-2986

    Expertise: Access to Justice; Wills & Trusts; the Legal Profession; Civil Procedure; Law & Society; Inequality and Law

  • Prof. Tice portrait

    Beatrice Tice

    Professor of the Practice of Law
    btice@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-7327

    Expertise: International Law; Comparative Law; Legal Profession; Legal Research and Writing

  • Prof. Tinto portrait

    Katharine Tinto

    Clinical Professor of Law
    Director, Criminal Justice Clinic
    ktinto@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9247

    Expertise: Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure; Criminal Defense

  • Prof. Tonner portrait

    Grace Tonner

    Distinguished Professor of Lawyering Skills
    gtonner@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4037

    Expertise: Lawyering Skills

  • Prof. Vandell portrait

    Kerry Vandell

    Dean's Professor Emeritus of Real Estate and Law
    kvandell@uci.edu / (949) 824-1985

    Expertise: Real Estate Law; Business Law

  • Ari Waldman portrait

    Ari Waldman

    Professor of Law
    ari.waldman@uci.edu / (949) 824-9949

    Expertise: Privacy law, law and technology, sociolegal studies, empirical methods, digital governance, science and technology studies, LGBTQ+/queer studies

  • Prof. Weinstein portrait

    Henry Weinstein

    Professor Emeritus of Lawyering Skills
    hweinstein@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3642

    Expertise: Media Law; Lawyering Skills

  • Prof. Whytock portrait

    Christopher Whytock

    Professor of Law
    Co-Director, Center in Law, Society and Culture
    cwhytock@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-0496

    Expertise: Conflict of Laws; International Law; Transnational Litigation; Empirical Legal Studies

Adjunct Faculty and Directors


Academic Skills

Affiliated Faculty

Visiting Faculty