Law, Reason, and Value Colloquium

The Law, Reason, and Value Colloquium includes distinguished professors of law or philosophy who will present papers on a range of topics in legal philosophy or legal theory, broadly construed, such as the relationship of legal norms to moral norms, responsibility in law and morality, and the criteria for permissible risk imposition.

2018-2019 Colloquia


November 29
5:00–6:30 p.m.
LAW 3500H

Ken Simons
Chancellor's Professor of Law
UCI School of Law

The Justifiable Scope of Hate (or Bias) Crime Laws

March 14
5:00–6:30 p.m.
LAW 3750

Connie Rosati
Professor of Philosophy
University of Arizona

What Obergefell v. Hodges Should have Said

May 9
5:00–6:30 p.m.
LAW 3500H

Rebecca Stone
Assistant Professor of Law
UCLA School of Law

The State's Role in Creating Private (Legal) Rights: Lockean or Kantian?

Papers are available for colloquium use only and may not be cited or redistributed without permission of the author.

Previous Colloquium schedule archive >


Rabie Kadri
Law Centers Manager
(949) 824-2370