Policy on Attendance and Verification of Student Identity

Students must be prepared for and attend all class sessions for courses in which they are enrolled and for which they will receive academic credit.  Students must also complete other required course activities, as assigned by the instructor, including viewing assigned pre-recorded lectures and completing other assigned learning activities.

Instructors must require students to verify their in-person class attendance through a secure login and password, sign-in sheets, or other method. 

Distance Education courses require students to verify their attendance through UCI Law’s secure login and attendance password each class session.

It is an Honor Code violation to share with others either a secure login or attendance password, use another person’s secure login, or use an attendance password when not present in an online class session. 

If a student must miss a class because of an unavoidable urgent matter, the student is responsible for contacting the instructor or the Assistant Dean for Student Services before a class session begins, absent exigent circumstances. 

An instructor may prohibit a student from taking the final examination, submitting a final paper, or participating in or receiving credit for other graded class activities, if the instructor determines that the student’s attendance has been unsatisfactory.  The instructor must first notify the student in writing of the unsatisfactory attendance record and warn the student about the consequences if attendance is not corrected.  The student will have an opportunity after the warning to improve attendance in the course. 

Instructors are required to include their attendance policies in their written syllabi or other course materials. Publication in the syllabus or other course materials is sufficient notice of the instructor’s class attendance policy, but does not replace the written warning required before a student is prohibited from taking the final examination, submitting a final paper, or participating in or receiving credit for other graded class activities.

See also Academic Rules II.L and IV.D., and ABA Standards 306(f) and 308(a).


This policy sunsets on June 30, 2022.