Sasha Stepanov

2L; Admissions Ambassador


Huntington Beach, CA

Professional Interests:
Public Interest; International Law

Student Organizations:
Women's Law Society (Event Chair); Public Interest Law Fund; Outlaw

UCI Law Clinic:
International Justice Clinic

Pro Bono:
Transgender Legal Assistance Clinic; Expungement Clinic, ACLU of San Diego Doc Review

UCI Graduate Housing (Ask me about living on campus!)

Meet Sasha:
I’m so excited to be an Admissions Ambassador at UCI law! I spoke with two ambassadors when choosing a law school and think this is such a valuable tool. UCI is so special because the administration is willing to help and professors want to connect with students. All staff and students alike at UCI want the students to succeed and prioritize their work/life balance. I often study with my peers in nearby cafes or at the beach! I’m also able to get work experience during the school year through the awesome pro bono program. I’ve worked with multiple clinics and the ACLU on an impact litigation case. Please feel free to reach out to ask about anything, from finals to housing!