Ryan Balaoing

1L; Admissions Ambassador



Milpitas, CA

Professional Interests:

Civil Rights Law; Criminal Law; Immigration Law; Public Interest

Student Organizations and Extracurricular Activities:

Student Bar Association, Appropriations Committee, 1L Representative; UCI Law Mock Trial, Volunteer; UCI Pre-Law Society, Law Student Mentor; Asian Pacific American Law Student Association; First Generation Professionals; Federal Bar Association



Pro Bono Projects:

Veterans Legal Institute; Community Legal Aid SoCal’s Clean Slate Clinic; Camp Pendleton Legal Assistance Office; Elder Law & Disability Rights Center Estate Planning Clinic; 22nd Judicial District, LA Public Defender’s Office; Spring Break Volunteer

Meet Ryan: 

Hi, my name is Ryan and I'm a first-generation law student and the proud son of immigrants from the Philippines. The law school application and admissions process was definitely a challenge for me, but I quickly decided that UCI Law was my top choice for pursing a legal education. The school's youth and innovative academic program, its community and collegiality, and its emphasis on public interest and service aligned strongly with my own background, interests, and goals.

Since starting at UCI Law, I have enjoyed many of the school's resources and opportunities. Participating in pro-bono has allowed me to explore different areas of law and provided me valuable practical experience outside the normal 1L curriculum. The faculty have been so supportive and taking advantage of office hours with professors has given me valuable mentorship.

Coming from the Bay Area, I have also enjoyed exploring the local area. Whether its studying at the beach and different coffee shops or attending yoga with friends, there is such that Orange County has to offer.

I look forward to using the knowledge, experiences, and skills that I have gained at UCI Law to assist underserved communities as a public interest lawyer. And I hope to share my experiences at UCI Law with prospective students and to help inform their choice as they pursue a legal education!