In-Depth Impact
The centers and institutes at UCI Law provide in-depth focus and programs in specific areas of law. The centers forge partnerships in Asia as well as locally in Southern California to share ideas and sponsor further research.
Centers List

Center for Empirical Research on the Legal Profession
The center is committed to empirical research and public engagement on issues relating to the legal profession.
Center on Globalization, Law, and Society
The center is the umbrella center for the study of international, transnational and comparative law at the University of California, Irvine School of Law.
Center for Land, Environment, and Natural Resources
The center seeks to make UCI Law a nationally recognized site for scholarship, education, community outreach and public engagement on environmental, natural resources and land use law.
Center on Law, Equality and Race
The center was created with the goal of promoting greater racial equality through research, education, and advocacy.
Center in Law, Society and Culture
The center brings together UCI faculty and graduate students who share interests in law, society, and culture, and sponsors collaborative research projects.
UCI Center for Legal Philosophy
The UCI Center for Legal Philosophy is an initiative of the School of Humanities in partnership with the School of Law, and serves as official home to the collaborative activities of the growing community of scholars working at the intersection of law and philosophy.
Initiative for Inclusive Civil Justice
The Initiative for Inclusive Civil Justice researches critical issues concerning the civil justice system.
Competition, Antitrust Law, and Innovation Forum (CALIF)
CALIF provides a forum for leaders in the fields of antitrust and economics to research and discuss how competition policy can improve innovation, market efficiency, and consumer access to goods and services.
UCI Cybersecurity Policy & Research Institute
CPRI brings together the best and brightest cybersecurity experts from the private sector and UCI’s world-class faculty to find technological, legal and policy solutions to cyber threats while protecting and enhancing individual privacy and civil liberties.
UCI Initiative to End Family Violence
This center unites community partners with faculty from 20 UC Irvine departments to be the premier site for research, education, clinical care, and community collaboration on family violence prevention and intervention.
Korea Law Center
The mission of the Korea Law Center is to promote practical solutions to problems arising at the intersection of U.S. and Korean law.
Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality
The Korematsu Center honors the legacy of civil rights hero Fred Korematsu through integrated research, advocacy and education initiatives that promote racial equity and social justice. Coming to UCI Law in July 2024.

The Long U.S.-China Institute
The John S. and Marilyn Long U.S.-China Institute for Business and Law is designed to be a premier research entity that will forge ties between the U.S. and China.
The Pay Equity Project
The Pay Equity Project at UCI Law works to reduce the gender and race pay gap through education, advocacy, and collaborations with other stakeholders fighting for pay equity.
Student Loan Law Initiative
The Student Loan Law Initiative (SLLI) is a collaborative project between leading consumer law scholars at UCI Law and the Student Borrower Protection Center.